Which Type of Water Filter Should You Buy?

If you were asked how safe your tap water is right now, would you know what to say? Many people don't realize that their city's water is not as safe to drink as they might think. Water often contains lead, pesticides, bacteria, and other contaminants. If you realize that you don't your water as well as you think you do, purchasing a water filter might be your next step toward a healthier future.

The next question you have to answer is, "What ind of water filter is right for my home?"

Carbon Water Filters

A filter that uses activated carbon is a great choice if you notice a bad taste or smell to your water.  Carbon can remove may of the contaminants you don't want in your drinking water, including pesticides, herbicides,and chlorine. While carbon does not eliminate all traces of lead, it may reduce its content in the water.

Check with the company or technician offering the filter to learn more about its quality. If you need to filter out nitrates, nitrites, and salts from your water, a carbon filter may not be the best choice. You will need to change the filter regularly to ensure your filter is actually working correctly.

Water Distillers

Water distillers use heat to create steam and then condensation, eliminating certain contaminants in water. Theses types of filters are portable, not applied to your plumbing system. The can help to eliminate solid items, including asbestos, minerals, and salts. They can be cost-effective and pretty accessible. On the other hand, these filters take a long time to produce drinking water, and they may not offer as much protection as other filters.

UV Water Filters

UV water filters purify water from viruses and bacteria, and they may enhance the taste and smell. Unfortunately, these types of filters do not combat chemicals. You can combine them with carbon filters for better purification.

Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

Reverse osmosis water filters are great for removing inorganic matter from your water. This includes anything metal, asbestos, salt, and nitrates. In many cases, these filters also use carbon filters to catch other materials as well. Of course, reverse osmosis water filters cannot remove everything. For example, they might not be able to remove chlorine, and you also need to change filters regularly. Generally, the filters are connected to plumbing and require some installation.

If you are curious about how a water filter might change the look, taste, and smell of your water, get in touch with a water filter repair company who may recommend the best filter for your home.
